Ruby On Rails所有版本都发现SQL注入漏洞 zz
根据发表在Ruby On Rails安全论坛的一个帖子,Ruby On Rails Web框架的所有版本都存在一个SQL注入漏洞,允许攻击者在Web应用中注入代码。Ruby on Rails被广泛用于开发Web应用程序,维护者已经发布了修复漏洞的新版本(3.2.10、3.1.9、3.0.18)和缓解问题的权宜方法。开发者建议所有Ruby on Rails用户立即升级到新版本。虽然漏洞与Ruby on Rails框架有关,但这并不意味着使有受影响版本开发的Web应用程序也都容易受到该bug的影响。
中文维基百科短暂屏蔽 zz
法国ISP的路由器默认屏蔽广告 zz
法国第二大ISP Free再次震撼了法国互联网,本周三晚上它悄悄的为其路由器Freebox发布了固件更新,加入了广告过滤选项,而且是默认启用。据法国媒体的报道,Google的Adwords广告被过滤。 而一些Freebox用户称,许多网站上的广告也一并过滤(如图是过滤前后的效果)。许多法国网站都对Free的举措表示不满。
标签: Advertisement, Block, ISP
Google警告伪造CA证书,浏览器开发商撤销证书信任 zz
Google官方博客发出警告,称Chrome浏览器去年12月底检测和屏蔽了一个伪造的*.google.com域名CA证书,调查发现该证书是土耳其TURKTRUST发行的中级CA证书。TURKTRUST告诉Google,它在2011年8月错误发行了两个中级CA证书。伪造的CA证书可被用于执行中间人攻击,伪造内容和进行钓鱼攻击。除Google之外的浏览器开发商已采取行动屏蔽伪造证书。Mozilla宣布撤销TURKTRUST root证书信任。这件事的巧合之处是——在同一个月,荷兰CA供应商DigiNotar的服务器遭黑客入侵,黑客为包括Google.com在内的多个网站发行了伪造CA证书。
Android SDK被批评是私有软件 zz
欧洲自由软件基金会的Torsten Grote发表文章称,Android SDK不是自由软件。因为它在新条款中加入了“你可能不能复制(备份目的除外)、修改、改编、重新发行、反编译、逆向工程、反汇编,或创造SDK或任何SDK部分的衍生作品”等文字。Gooogle此举显然是为了防止Android生态系统进一步碎片化。Android的自由软件分支Replicant则发布了一个没有上述条款的Replicant SDK 4.0。
What's All-in-One
All-in-One (AIO), also known as #-in-1, CD-ROMs or DVD-ROMs contain more than one application on the disc. Typically, this would simply be different editions of the same version. AIOs are normally created by warez groups in order to save time to download and upload software, while giving a large collection of editions at the same time. However, software companies may release AIOs themselves to high-paying customers.
How they work
Most All-in-Ones exploit a hack to the ISO 9660 file system. This hack allows them to store a file only once as data, but reference it with many filenames and paths; this is also known as hardlinks. The reason this works so effectively is that multiple editions of software commonly only change between a small group of files, so the AIO might be only a few kilobytes or megabytes larger than one copy of a certain edition of the software, but will not be as large as copying them individually. Some modified versions of the program mkisofs are able to automatically find multiple copies of files using the -duplicates-once option.
Most All-in-Ones exploit a hack to the ISO 9660 file system. This hack allows them to store a file only once as data, but reference it with many filenames and paths; this is also known as hardlinks. The reason this works so effectively is that multiple editions of software commonly only change between a small group of files, so the AIO might be only a few kilobytes or megabytes larger than one copy of a certain edition of the software, but will not be as large as copying them individually. Some modified versions of the program mkisofs are able to automatically find multiple copies of files using the -duplicates-once option.
Ubuntu Phone OS究竟有何特别? zz

移动领域已经有了iOS、Android、Windows Phone、黑莓、Jolla、WebOS、Firefox OS和Tizen操作系统,前四家统治了整个市场,后四位还是羽毛未丰的后起之秀。现在,移动市场又多了一位前景不明的选手:Canonical刚刚宣布了它的移动操作系统Ubuntu Phone OS,并试图模仿Windows 8创造一种横跨手机、平板和桌面的操作系统。但它究竟有什么特别之处能在众多的竞争对手中脱颖而出?

Ubuntu Phone手机计划于2013年底或2014年初推出。入门级硬件需要1Ghz Cortex A9和512MB到1GB内存,高端硬件需要4核A9或Intel Atom 处理器,以及至少1GB内存。它将使用Android内核和驱动以兼容现有的硬件,但不使用Java虚拟机,UI层是基于QML,支持原生和Web应用。2014年4月发布的Ubuntu 14.04的镜像将同时工作在手机平板和桌面上。Canonical创始人Mark Shuttleworth称,Ubuntu的独特之处是融合手机和桌面PC,手机用户获得完整的PC功能,而开发者向Ubuntu Software Centre递交的应用如果兼容手机和桌面,则可以同时在两个平台发行。Shuttleworth说,Ubuntu的另一大优势是最近几年游戏发行商Valve和开发商Unity正开始针对Ubuntu发行和开发游戏。虽然Ubuntu和Android都是开源系统,但Canonical表示其开发流程将会更透明开放。
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