经济学家认为世界对于中国未来经济增长的预测过于乐观 zz
前美国财政部长Larry Summer和哈佛教授Lant Pritchett发表了一篇论文(PDF),认为世界对于中国未来经济增长的预测过于乐观。中国确实创造了史无前例的长达30多年的经济高速发展期,但不可能永远无视历史趋势。中等收入陷阱等风险因素,使得中国经济减速的可能性越来越大。中国GDP增长率超过6%的时期超过了36年,而韩国增长率超过6%的时期只有29年。作者认为,很难识别推动中国经济高速发展背后的因素,而即使能识别并量化对预测未来也几乎没什么用。他们认为未来二十年中国的平均经济增长率将会下降到3.9%。民主制度被认为有利于经济的长期发展,但在专制制度下实现富裕并不是不可能,人口500万的新加坡是世界上最富裕的国家之一,但它的民主资本得分(40)仍然是中国(14)的两倍多。习近平发起的反腐败运动被认为有助于维持中国的高速增长。中国过去几十年的经济发展显示,腐败并没有阻碍经济增长,上个世纪的经济学家就曾主张有组织的腐败不一定会伤害增长,但在政治权力的过渡期有组织的腐败很难维持。
Google宣布Inbox zz
Google宣布了整合电子邮件、日历和待办任务的Web和应用平台Inbox。目前Inbox没有对外开发,用户需要获得邀请才能注册。Android负责人 Sundar Pichai在官方博客上说,Inbox不是Gmail,是完全不同的类型,设计专注于真正重要的事情。Inbox会自动的从信息内容中抓取时间和日期构建任务或待办事项。用户可以向 inbox@google.com发去邮件请求获得使用邀请。
英国讨论禁止向香港出口催泪弹 zz
标签: Chemring
苹果中国内地iCloud服务受攻击 zz
动人士和安全分析人士称,苹果公司(Apple Inc., AAPL)在中国内地的iCloud服务受到攻击,攻击者可能截获并看到用户名、密码和其他个人数据。尽管攻击者的身份不明,但眼下恰逢中美两国政府之间紧张关系因网络间谍和黑客攻击问题而升温之际。关注网络审查的GreatFire.org称,中国政府是攻击背后的指使者,不过其他专家表示攻击来源无法确定。中国外交部发言人表示,她不清楚此事,同时重申了北京反对网络攻击的立场。
居住在台湾的中国互联网活跃人士周曙光测试了上述服务器,他发现iCloud用户和iCloud服务器之间的通讯已经被攻击者使用“中间人”战术拦截。另外,瑞典网络安全软件供应商Netresec AB的分析师Erik Hjelmvik周二称,他评估了中国互联网用户公布在网上的数据后也得出了类似的结论。
安全分析人士表示,中国发生的这起攻击需要攻击者与中国的互联网服务提供商有着较为密切的联系。芬兰网络安全公司F-Secure亚太地区安全顾问Goh Su Gim说,如果真是这样,并考虑到用“中间人”战术进行如此水平的攻击,可以推测这不是一个试图证明并吹嘘自己黑客攻击技术的幼稚黑客能干出来的。他表示,这次的攻击者更加专业,可能是一个团体、一个组织甚至政府资助的活动。
标签: iCloud
苹果证实iCloud受到攻击 zz
苹果在其支持网站上发表声明证实iCloud服务受到了攻击,声明称“我们已经注意到一系列有组织的网络攻击,利用不安全证书来窃取用户信息。我们对此给予了高度重视。事实上,这些攻击并未侵入 iCloud 服务器,也不影响在 iOS 设备或在运行 OS X Yosemite 的 Mac 上使用 Safari 浏览器来登录 iCloud。iCloud 网站受到数字证书的保护。如果用户在访问 www.icloud.com 时收到了证书无效的警告,则应引起注意并停止继续访问。同时,用户不应在收到证书无效警告的网站上输入自己的 Apple ID 或密码。此外,用户还可以通过检查浏览器的数字证书内容,来确认自己是否连接到了真正的 iCloud 网站。”苹果在声明中没有提到中国。它已修改了iCloud服务的DNS,被中间人攻击的IP地址不再使用。这次攻击被认为是中国政府发起或资助发起,但安全分析人士质疑,拥有相当规模资源可供支配的北京是否会下令进行如此容易就被侦测到的攻击。
小米让部分用户数据避开政府的窥视 zz
小米全球副总裁Hugo Barra在其Google+账号上表示,该公司早些时候开始将中国之外的用户数据迁移到亚马逊位于新加坡和加州的服务器上。到本月底,国际用户的数据将全部迁移出北京服务器。中国用户的信息将仍然会留在中国。Barra称,数据的迁移将让小米的服务更快更可靠,同时能维持更高的隐私标准和遵守当地的数据保护监管法律。中国占到了小米手机销量的97%,而两个新拓展市场台湾和印度的官员已经警告小米手机可能会构成网络安全的威胁。今年7月,香港红米手机用户发现手机会悄悄将连接北京服务器,上传IMSI 、IMEI和手机号码等用户信息。小米在今年8月发布更新声称解决了收集用户隐私数据问题。
新浪总编离职门户时代结束? zz
新浪执行副总裁、新浪网总编陈彤昨天宣布了离职的消息。陈彤的离开标志着一个时代的结束。湖南大学新闻传播与影视艺术学院副教授鲁佑文表示:“或许表面上看陈彤的离开是因为内部利益纷争,但从本质上来看却是新的媒体环境下门户新闻模式遭遇了瓶颈。陈彤在互联网领域以门户新闻立足,当门户新闻的浪潮跌落,他的离开并不令人意外。”鲁佑文认为,陈彤开创的门户新闻网站模式实际上就是尽量全面地聚合传统媒体的新闻,将全国各地的新闻从报纸杂志、电视搬到互联网上。这在互联网刚刚开始起跑、信息流通不畅的时代取得了巨大的成功。 但与其它门户网站陆续推出其它产品开始了转型不同,新浪一直被认为是门户网站中最像媒体的一家。其它门户网站多已转型。
标签: Sina
Kakao Talk与政府合作致使用户大量流失 zz
今年4月,韩国的一艘渡轮翻船,304人死亡,大部分是学生。朴槿惠总统的政府在事件处理上受到了广泛批评。韩国互联网上出现了许多朴槿惠的流言。上个月,朴槿惠发起了打击网络谣言的行动,Kakao Talk是打击的主要目标之一。Kakao Talk是韩国最大的移动通信服务,韩国5000万居民中有3500万人使用Kakao Talk。韩国政府向Kakao Talk发去了超过2000用户账号的搜查令,这些用户收到了账号被调查的通知。此事导致了大量用户从Kakao Talk迁移到其它移动通信服务,支持端对端加密的德国移动通信服务Telegram成为韩国苹果应用商店下载量第一的应用程序,Telegram称它一周内增加了150万韩国新用户。Kakao Talk CEO Lee Sirgoo为此公开道歉,宣布将停止与政府在收集用户私人信息上的合作。
标签: Kakao Talk, Telegram
Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) zz
Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
In some situations, you may need to reset your computer's System Management Controller (SMC). Learn how to identify these conditions and to reset the SMC.
Note: It is possible that the SMC could encounter an issue that may cause unusual system behavior typically related to the symptoms described below. In some cases, resetting the SMC may be the only correct method to resolve the issue. However, an SMC reset should only be attempted after all other standard troubleshooting has been performed.
Before Resetting the SMC
Try each of the following steps in this order before you reset the SMC. Test the issue after completing each troubleshooting step to determine if the issue still occurs.
- Press Command + Option + Escape to force quit any application that is not responding.
- Put your Mac to sleep by choosing the Apple () menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing Sleep. Wake the computer after it has gone to sleep.
- Restart your Mac by choosing the Apple menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing Restart.
- Shut down your Mac by choosing the Apple menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing Shut Down.
If your Mac appears to be running normally but isn't responding, force the computer to shut down by pressing and holding the power button for 10 seconds. Note: You will lose any unsaved work in any open applications.
For Mac portables experiencing issues related to the MagSafe power adapter and/or battery, try:
- Unplug the MagSafe power adapter from the Mac and the wall power socket for several seconds.
- Shutdown the Mac. Physically remove and re-insert the battery (if it's removable) and startup the Mac.
If the issue is still not resolved after following the troubleshooting items above, an SMC reset may be necessary.
After performing normal troubleshooting, these symptoms may indicate that an SMC reset could be necessary.
- The computer's fans run at high speed although the computer is not experiencing heavy usage and is properly ventilated.
- The keyboard backlight appears to behave incorrectly (on Mac computers that have this feature).
- The Status Indicator Light (SIL) appears to behave incorrectly (on Mac computers that have an SIL).
- Battery indicator lights, if present, appear to behave incorrectly (on portables that use non-removable batteries).
- The display backlight doesn't respond correctly to ambient light changes on Mac computers that have this feature.
- The computer doesn't respond to the power button when pressed.
- A portable Mac doesn't appear to respond properly when you close or open the lid.
- The computer sleeps or shuts down unexpectedly.
- The battery does not appear to be charging properly.
- The MagSafe power adaptor LED doesn't appear to indicate the correct activity.
System performance
- The computer is running unusually slowly although it is not experiencing abnormally high CPU utilization.
- Application icons may "bounce" in the Dock for an extended amount of time when launched.
- Applications may not function correctly or may stop responding after being opened.
- A computer that supports target display mode does not switch into or out of target display mode as expected.
- A computer that supports target display mode switches into or out of target display mode at unexpected times.
Port illumination
- The illumination around the I/O ports on a Mac Pro (Late 2013) does not activate when you move the computer.
Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
Resetting the SMC on Mac portables with a battery you can remove
Note: Learn about removing the battery on MacBook and MacBook Pro.
- Shut down the computer.
- Disconnect the MagSafe power adapter from the computer, if it's connected.
- Remove the battery.
- Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.
- Release the power button.
- Reconnect the battery and MagSafe power adapter.
- Press the power button to turn on the computer.
Resetting the SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own
Note: Portable computers that have a battery you should not remove on your own include MacBook Pro (Early 2009) and later, all models of MacBook Air, and MacBook (Late 2009).
- Shut down the computer.
- Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if its not already connected.
- On the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time.
- Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
- Press the power button to turn on the computer.
Note: The LED on the MagSafe power adapter may change states or temporarily turn off when you reset the SMC.
Resetting the SMC for Mac Pro, Intel-based iMac, Intel-based Mac mini, or Intel-based Xserve
- Shut down the computer.
- Unplug the computer's power cord.
- Wait fifteen seconds.
- Attach the computer's power cord.
- Wait five seconds, then press the power button to turn on the computer.
Note: For Intel-based Xserve computers that are not responding, you can shut down locally, or by using remote commands, or by pressing and holding the power button for five seconds.
Learn more
The System Management Controller (SMC) is responsible for many low-level functions on Intel-based Macs. These functions include:
- Responding to presses of the power button
- Responding to the display lid opening and closing on portable Macs
- Battery management
- Thermal management
- The SMS (Sudden Motion Sensor)
- Ambient light sensing
- Keyboard backlighting
- Status Indicator Light (SIL) management
- Battery status indicator lights
- Selecting an external (instead of internal) video source for some iMac displays
Note: Resetting the SMC does not reset, or otherwise change, the contents of PRAM, which is also known as NVRAM on Intel-based Macs.
SD卡,SDHC卡,SDXC卡区别在于规格不一样,SD卡最大支持2GB容量,SDHC 最大支持32GB容量,SDXC 最大支持2TB(2048GB)容量,支持SDXC卡的数码设备是兼容支持SD卡与SDHC卡的,如果设备只有支持SDHC卡,那么这个设备就不能使用SDXC卡,但兼容SD卡。如果设备只支持SD卡,则不兼容SDXC,SDHC卡。

SD存储卡是1999年由Panasonic、Toshiba、SanDisk 3家公司共同开发的小型储存媒体,在推出SD存储卡的同时,同时成立安全储存数码卡协会(Secure Digital Card Association;SDA)制订相关规范,并负责SD存储卡的推广工作。经过多年发展,SD卡已是全球电子产品普及率最高的存储卡格式,适用于手机、数码相机(DSC)、MP3音乐播放器、个人计算机等电子产品。
SDHC是大容量SD卡,也就是SD High Capacity,支持最大32GB大小容量。
SDHC,Secure Digital High Capacity,大容量SD,也就是说,超过2G的SD都叫SDHC,因为早期的SD使用的是FAT16文件系统,并不支持大容量,而SDHC升级为FAT32,才支持2G以上的大容量。
SDXC(SD eXtended Capacity)是去年09年才发布的新标准,支持最大2TB的大小容量。
SDXC是SD eXtended Capacity的缩写,是新提出的标准,除了容量可以升级为最大2T以外,主要是可以支持300M/s的传输速度,也就是说是“高速SD”卡。不过支持SDXC卡的数码相机并不多,主要都是今年推出的新品,而SDXC又是不可向下兼容的,不支持普通的SD和SDHC卡槽和读卡器。
SD卡,SDHC卡,SDXC卡区别在于规格不一样,SD卡最大支持2GB容量,SDHC 最大支持32GB容量,SDXC 最大支持2TB(2048GB)容量,现在这些卡类的发展越来越快,容量也更多。不过使用过程中还是要注意备份数据,以免存储卡发生问题。
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