
fedora 9 启用 ext4支持大分区

fedora9's kernel is 2.6.25-14
Open /boot/config-2.6.25-14-default and search EXT4
We can find that ext4 has been already supported but with Experimental flag

In order to have ext4 option when we create filesystem, we add ext4 boot option when we boot install from CD(just space + ext4)

Then download e2fsprogs-1.41-WIP-0617.tar.gz and install which provides newest utilities support to ext2/3/4 file system.

make sure parted's version >= 1.8.8, maybe it is not the case.

Now, we can create a partition larger than 8TB, as is limited by 4KB Block's ext3 file system.

parted /dev/sdb


Then mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.ext4, all are the same case, guess mkfs.ext3 can self adjust to mkfs.ext4 when partition is larger than 8TB.


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