
Arbitrary code execution From wiki

In computer security, arbitrary code execution is used to describe an attacker's ability to execute any commands of the attacker's choice on a target machine or in a target process. It is commonly used in arbitrary code execution vulnerability to describe a software bug that gives an attacker a way to execute arbitrary code. A program that is designed to exploit such a vulnerability is called an arbitrary code execution exploit. Most of these vulnerabilities allow the execution of machine code and most exploits therefore inject and execute shellcode to give an attacker an easy way to manually run arbitrary commands. The ability to trigger arbitrary code execution from one machine on another is often referred to as remote code execution.
在计算机安全领域,任意代码执行用来描述攻击者在目标主机或目标进程执行任意代码。它经常在arbitrary code execution vulnerability中来描述一个提供给攻击者执行任意代码途径的软件bug,利用这样一个弱点的程序叫arbitrary code execution exploit。大多数弱点允许机器码的执行,这些exploit可以注入并执行shellcode,给攻击者一个简单的执行任意指令的途径。从一台机器向另外一台机器触发任意代码执行的能力叫远程代码执行。

It is the worst effect a bug can have because it allows an attacker to completely take over the vulnerable process. From there the attacker can potentially take complete control over the machine the process is running on. Arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities are commonly exploited by malware to run on a computer without the owner's consent.
这是一个bug能造成的最坏影响,因为它允许攻击者完全控制脆弱进程,攻击者进而可以控制脆弱进程运行的主机。Arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities已经被恶意软件广泛利用。

Arbitrary code execution is commonly achieved through control over the program counter (also known as the instruction pointer) of a running process. The instruction pointer points to the next instruction in the process that will be executed. Control over the value of the instruction pointer therefore gives control over which instruction is executed next. In order to execute arbitrary code, many exploits inject code into the process and use a vulnerability to change the instruction pointer to have it point to the injected code. The injected code will then automatically get executed.

Once the invader can execute arbitrary code directly on the OS there is often an attempt at a privilege-escalation exploit in order to run code as an administrator; however as normal users on Windows computers have many privileges most viruses, spyware etc do not need administrator privileges to still do a lot of damage or turn the computer into a bot.


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