使用apt-p2p更新Ubuntu zz
在Ubuntu 9.04即将于4月23日正式发行之际,这篇博文介绍了一种以P2P升级Ubuntu的方法(如果无法连接到其他节点,仍然能够从镜像站点升级),能够有效的降低镜像站点的负载,避免在发行日造成网络拥塞。记住在使用apt-p2p之前需要先禁止所有第三方软件仓库。
1. apt-get install apt-p2p (Not in Hardy and older repos IIRC... for you late/sporadic upgraders)
2. Back up your /etc/apt/sources.list and then edit the file, s/\/\//\/\/localhost:9977\// (hope I got that right -- Guess I could have just used # or something eh?)
3. Not in the guide: edit /etc/apt-p2p/apt-p2p.conf and set UPLOAD_LIMIT ... just in case. :) You probably have to /etc/init.d/apt-p2p restart after that.
4. apt-get update
5. Then make the update... But it's not time for that yet.
1. apt-get install apt-p2p (Not in Hardy and older repos IIRC... for you late/sporadic upgraders)
2. Back up your /etc/apt/sources.list and then edit the file, s/\/\//\/\/localhost:9977\// (hope I got that right -- Guess I could have just used # or something eh?)
3. Not in the guide: edit /etc/apt-p2p/apt-p2p.conf and set UPLOAD_LIMIT ... just in case. :) You probably have to /etc/init.d/apt-p2p restart after that.
4. apt-get update
5. Then make the update... But it's not time for that yet.
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