在我们常用的软件当中隐藏了一些小东东,这些小东东我们称之为复活节彩蛋(Easter Eggs)。复活节彩蛋的内容包含得很广,从单纯地列出开发人员名单到3D影音游戏都有。我们常用的软件如Windows、Word和Excel以及我们 用来上网的浏览器IE中都有这样的彩蛋。
在我们常用的软件当中隐藏了一些小东东,这些小东东我们称之为复活节彩蛋(Easter Eggs)。复活节彩蛋的内容包含得很广,从单纯地列出开发人员名单到3D影音游戏都有。我们常用的软件如Windows、Word和Excel以及我们 用来上网的浏览器IE中都有这样的彩蛋。
Star Wars game
- Go to the spreadsheet application in the OpenOffice suite
- Go to any cell
- Type in: =game()
The response will be "say what?" - Type in: =GAME("StarWars")
- Press the enter key -- the opening screen shows up
- Pick your icon -- a message will appear in German
- Pick your level (again, in German)
- Click 'start'
Wanda the fish
- In Linux (Ubuntu 8.10 in this case), press Alt-F2
- In the box, type: free the fish
Gegls from outer space
- In Linux (Ubuntu 8.10 in this case), press Alt-F2
- In the box, type: gegls from outer space
No Easter eggs here
- On Debian-based Linux distros, go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal
- Type in: aptitude moo
- After the response, type: aptitude -v moo
- After the response, type: aptitude -v -v moo
- (At this point, after the computer program argues with you, you're just adding one more -v each time.) Remember that five is your lucky number!
- In Firefox 3, go to the Location bar
- Type in: about:robots
Star Wars movie
Not technically an Easter egg, but still cool
- In Windows XP (or any OS that supports Telnet), click Start, then Run
- Type in: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
Terminal Tetris
This actually is a function of the emacs text editor. Type "doctor" at the prompt and you'll get a free session with a psychotherapist.
- On the Mac, go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal
- Type: emacs
- Press Escape & X at the same time
- After your cursor moves to the bottom, type Tetris
Book of Mozilla
- In Firefox location box, type: about:mozilla
Crazy Dates
Again, perhaps not really an Easter egg (though a lot of people on the Web think it is)
- In Linux (Ubuntu 8.10 here), go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal
- Type in the 'ddate' command followed by a date in the format of number, space, number, space, four-digit year number (for instance: 4 6 2009)
- Each time you type in a different date, you get another bizarre response from the 'Discordian' calendar
Pipes screensaver
- In the Google Chrome Web browser's location bar, type in: about:internets
Bonus! Here's the 11th in my list of 10 Easter eggs.
Have you mooed today?
- In Linux (Ubuntu 8.10 here), go to Applications > Accesories > Terminal
- Type in the apt-get package manager command and a bovine parameter: apt-get moo
标签: Easter Eggs
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