


MacPorts,曾经叫做 DarwinPorts[1],是一个软件包管理系统,用来简化Mac OS XDarwin操作系统上软件的安装。它是一个用来简化自由软件/开放源代码软件的安装的自由/开放源代码项目,与Fink和BSD类ports套件的目标和功能类似。2002年,DarwinPorts 作为OpenDarwin项 目的一部分启动,参与者包括一些苹果公司的员工,如Landon Fuller、Kevin Van Vechten和Jordan Hubbard等。

它可以让用户在终端中简单的输入port install 软件包 名称来安装软件包,软件的下载、编译、安装以及它依赖的所有其他软件包的安装都会自动完成。

2005年4月28日,项目1.0版本发布[2]。2005 年12月,项目拥有了3000个port套件[3];2009 年9月,MacPorts 1.8.0版本包含了超过6000个port套件。

MacPorts目前托管在Mac OS Forge,一个由苹果公司创建和维护的开源托管服务

From Macports Homepage:

The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system. To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a BSD License, and through it easy access to thousands of ports that greatly simplify the task of compiling and installing open-source software on your Mac.


We provide a single software tree that attempts to track the latest release of every software title (port) we distribute, without splitting them into “stable” Vs. “unstable” branches, targetting mainly the current Mac OS X release (10.6, A.K.A Snow Leopard) and the immediately previous one (10.5, A.K.A. Leopard). There are currently 6791 ports in our tree, distributed among 92 different categories, and more are being added on a regular basis.


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