
NAP–Network Access Point From Wiki

A Network Access Point (NAP) was a public network exchange facility where Internet Service Providers (ISPs) connected with one another in peering arrangements. The NAPs were a key component in the transition from the NSFNET era when many networks were government sponsored and commercial traffic was prohibited to the commercial Internet providers of today. They were often points of considerable Internet congestion.

The four Network Access Points (NAPs) were defined under the U.S. National Information Infrastructure (NII) document as transitional data communications facilities at which Network Service Providers (NSPs) would exchange traffic, in replacement of the publicly-financed NSFNET Internet backbone. The National Science Foundation let contracts supporting the four NAPs, one to MFS Datanet for the preexisting MAE in Washington, D.C., and three others to Sprint, Ameritech, and Pacific Bell, for new facilities of various designs and technologies, in New York (actually Pennsauken, New Jersey), Chicago, and California, respectively. As a transitional strategy, they were effective, giving commercial network operators a bridge from the Internet's beginnings as a government-funded academic experiment, to the modern Internet of many private-sector competitors collaborating to form a network-of-networks, anchored around the Internet Exchange Points we know today.

This was particularly timely, coming hard on the heels of the ANS CO+RE controversy, which had disturbed the nascent industry, led to congressional hearings, resulted in a law allowing NSF to promote and use networks that carry commercial traffic, prompted a review of the administration of NSFNET by the NSF's Inspector General (no serious problems were found), and caused commercial operators to realize that they needed to be able to communicate with each other independent of third parties or at neutral exchange points.

Today, the phrase "Network Access Point" is of historical interest only, since the four transitional NAPs disappeared long ago, replaced by modern IXPs, though in Spanish-speaking Latin America, the phrase lives on to a small degree, among those who conflate the NAPs with IXPs.


NAP是因特网的路由选择层次体系中的通信交换点。每个网络接入点都由一个共享交换系统或者局域网组成,用来交换业务量。骨干网可以选择其中任何一个或所有的网络接入点与其他骨干网互联。它通常称为IX(因特网交换)。在美国,网络接入点(NAP)是几个主要的因特网互联的点中的一个,它把所有的网络接入提供商都捆绑在一起。最初的四个NAP(纽约华盛顿特区芝加哥旧金山)是由NSF((美)国家科学基金会)资助并在20世纪80年代末重构因特网主干网期间由主要几个提供商创建的。从那以后许多NAP陆陆续续组建起来,其中包括WorldCom的“MAE West”网站所在地圣何塞,加利福尼亚和ICS网络系统的“Big East”。

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