2008.6.30 linux operating log
2. yum update更新系统时,临时下载的软件包放在/etc/yum.conf指定的cachedir中。在软件安装之后这些临时软件包会被删除。
3. opensuse11内核2.6.25.-1.1-pae
4. opensuse11上用非管理员用户使用vmware ws,将虚拟机文件所在的目录的owner改为使用者id。
chown -R user /mnt/vmwarefiles
标签: yum vmware
fedora8下安装vmware tools
host os: fedora 9
guest os: fedora 8 内核版本:
1. yum install gcc
2. rpm -ivh VMwareTools-6.0.3-80004.i386.rpm
安装VMware tools源文件,此部分也可以tar.gz格式的安装实现
3. yum install kernel-devel-
安装kernel-devel,即内核源文件,要与当前running kernel版本相符合
4. 运行/usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl
vi /etc/fstab
.host:/ /mnt/hgfs vmhgfs
但启动时会提示mount local filesystem failed
进入系统后 mount .host:/ /mnt/hgfs -t vmhgfs即可,一定要指定文件系统类型:-t vmhgfs
Package Arch Version Repository Size
p7zip i386 4.51-4.fc9 fedora 661 k
#7za e Fedora-8.7z
标签: fedora9 7z
scroll lock键用处
标签: scroll lock
gotta have you
where is my desired happyness?
gray, quiet and tired and mean
picking at a worried seam
i try to make you mad at me over the phone
red eyes and fire and signs
i'm taken by a nursery rhyme
i want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home
no amount of coffee
no amount of crying
no amount of whiskey
no amount of wine
no, nothing else will do
i've gotta have you
i've gotta have you
the road gets cold
there's no spring in the middle this year
i'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears
oh, such a prima donna
sorry for myself
but green, it is also summer
and i won't be warm till i'm lying in your arms
i see it all through a telescope:
guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat
lying in the back of the blue boat
humming a tune...
The Weepies,一只由Deb Talan和Steve Tannen组成的流行民谣二重奏。两人初次相遇是在Tannen的波士顿音乐会上。在此之前,两人都已各自发表过自己的作品(Deb Talan发行过3张,Steve Tannen发行过2张)。二人相互钦佩,很快就一起开始了创作歌曲,并且Weepies很快诞生了。
2005年12月,The Weepies在此厂牌录制完成全新专辑“Say I Am You”,并于2006年3月正式发行。特点是旋律简单,音乐流畅,人声舒服,清新自然。有女生独唱且有男声独唱,亦有男女声混唱,美丽却不张扬。
标签: the weepies
Web 设计十诫 (zz)
1. 不可滥用 Flash
Adobe 备受欢迎的 Web 动画技术,Flash,在很多地方显示了它的威力,从 Nike 充满炫耀味道的整体 Flash 网站,到充斥各个网站的 Flash Banner 广告,然而该技术很容易被滥用,大量的,无节制的 Flash 动画不仅带来易用性问题,而且让用户的浏览器不堪重负。
2. 不可搅扰内容
广告对一个网站的生存也许很重要,但易用性研究者认为,弹窗广告,以及全屏广告会扰乱网站的内容,并挑战用户再次访问的信心。传统的 Banner 广告可能更好一些。
3. 不可失去条理
Web 是个大宝藏,但失去条理的网站让人无法访问其中的内容。包括 Amazon.com 在内的一些优秀网站向来将对内容的组织视为首要设计任务。
4. 不可滥用玻璃倒影效果
5. 不可在网站命名中跟风
一些聪明的网站主在网站命名中不使用任何元音,或尽可能多用元音,比如,Flickr, Smibs, 以及 Meebo,这些命名方式会随着时间很快过时。(中国网站流行的恶俗命名方式包括使用数字谐音,所以,我们有数以万计的 51 什么什么的网站 - 译者)
6. 应当重视文字版面
尽管宽带连接无处不在,但纯文字版面的网站仍然拥有一种不可低估的势头。这类网站的典型包括 Craigslist ,Coudal Partners ,Daring Fireball 。(还有译者最推崇的 Alisapart.com)
7. 应当有吸引用户的内容和体验
单单漂亮还不够,Facebook 以及 YouTube 一类的站只所以吸引用户,是因为他们有抓人的内容。
8. 应当走向社会化
Web2.0 已经无处不在,MySpace 一类的站点引领了用户交流沟通的趋势。
9. 应当大众熟悉的技术
Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook 一类的网站已经成为很多人生活的一部分。应当将这些网站中的元素引入你的设计,让你的用户感到亲切,熟悉。
10. 应当坚持内容为王
标签: web design
Is there a father of the Internet?zz
Robert Kahn was responsible for the system design of the ARPANET whilst at Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN). After joining ARPA, he conceived the idea of open-architecture networking, the underlying principle of the Internet, which led him to co-develop the protocols required to make the Internet a reality, namely TCP/IP.
Through working for Leonard Kleinrock, Vint Cerf helped to develop the host level protocols of the ARPANET and then on software for the Network Measurement Centre, which measured the performance of the ARPANET. His work led him to work with Robert Kahn in co-developing the protocols, TCP/IP.
Jon Postel is often touted as a father of the Internet. Indeed, he had a significant part to play in the development of the Internet, through his control of the Requests for Comments and founder of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
For the Internet to exist there had to be a method of embracing open-architecture networking, this was only possible through the introduction of TCP/IP. I therefore believe that Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf have the strongest claims to be called father(s) of the Internet, In fact Vint Cerf maybe more so, he has continued to nurture and promote the Internet (as any father would do) through his roles as President of the Internet Society (the closest thing the Internet has to a governing body), Chairman of the Internet Societal Task Force and his work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to design an interplanetary Internet. Kahn and Cerf received the U.S. National Medal of Technology from President Clinton in December 1997, for founding and developing the Internet.
However, if we the use concept of Systems Thinking, i.e. looking at the whole, then the development of the Internet has relied on more than just the development of TCP/IP, developments such as packet-switching were vital, the freedom of information provided by Jon Postel enabled rapid growth, and support of Government in providing an envirnoment & funding for it to have been developed. In fact, Vice President of USA, Al Gore, has even claimed his role:
"During my service in the Unites States Congress,
I took the initiative in creating the Internet"
The Internet may have two father figures in Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn but there are many more who have a valid claim to its birth. The media will always look for an inventor or creator, but in this instance there is a whole family who are responsible for the fatherhood of the Internet.
标签: internet vint cerf robert kahn
每秒80,000次 SQL查询;
2001年维基百科上线时是使用Perl CGI脚本,运行在单一服务器上。现在维基百科有200个应用服务器,20个数据库服务器,70个Squid cache代理和缓存服务器。
标签: wiki
Powerset独家获得自然语言处理搜索技术使用权 将挑战Google
Liberation fonts,最初是以GPLv2+两个例外的许可证发布。第一个例外没啥问题,只是声明在文档中植入该字体不表示是对文档的派生工作。第二个例外引发了异议,它是一个反固化条款,要求任何实际的发行必须允许安装它的修改版本,该条款甚至引发了RMS的反对。由于许可证问题,大的发行版没有加入Liberation字体。不过问题现在已经解决,Debian已经接受了Liberation,其它发行版预计不久后就会跟进。
On May 9, 2007, Red Hat announced the public release of these fonts under the trademark LIBERATION at the Red Hat Summit. There are three sets: Sans (a substitute for Arial, Albany, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, and Bitstream Vera Sans), Serif (a substitute for Times New Roman, Thorndale, Nimbus Roman, and Bitstream Vera Serif) and Mono (a substitute for Courier New, Cumberland, Courier, Nimbus Mono L, and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono). The fonts are now available for you to install.
Those running Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® and/or Fedora™ systems who want to install the fonts in RPM format can get them from the links below. In the future, they will be available through the Red Hat Network® service. We have also provided the fonts in the popular True Type format.
You are free to use these fonts on any system you would like. You are free to redistribute them under the GPL+exception license found in the download. Using these fonts does not subject your documents to the GPL--it liberates them from any proprietary claim. Once you have installed these fonts, we encourage you to make them your default in Thunderbird, Firefox, and Open Office. Heck, for that matter make them your default in Microsoft® Office®, in Microsoft Windows®, in Apple OSX®... in anything you would like. In many applications you can set Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New to convert to these fonts.
This is just one way for Red Hat to say thank you to all our friends in the open source community for all you have done to make us successful.
标签: font liberation
ICANN Board Approves Wide Expansion of TLDs(zz)
e2fsck support ext2/ext3
that is e2fsck = fsck.ext2 + fsck.ext3
in function they are equal.
标签: e2fsck fsck.ext2 fsck.ext3
让Fedora 支持创建reiserfs 文件系统(zz)
reiserfs 比ext3 、ext2 以及windows中的ntfs、fat 等文件系统更安全,更优秀,速度更快;至于更专业的,您可以访问reiserfs 官方网站;但Red Hat 公司却一直认为他的ext3文件系统是最好的;所以只能把reiserfs 打倒在地了;呵... ...
从我使用的情况来看reiserfs 的确是比较安全,到目前还没有出过什么大事;ext3或者ext2文件系统,文件系统mount 到一定次数后,会fsck 检查文件系统,这是在系统启动阶段中进行的。我们知道系统启动阶段的风险最大;如果到一定时间或者文件系统被挂载一定次数就fsck ,实在是有极大的风险;
二、让Fedora 支持创建reiserfs文件系统;
我们有两个方法,一个是通过到reiserfs 官方网站下载源码包安装reiserfsprogs ;第二个方法是在线安装 reiserfs-utils ,两种办法都可以;
1、通过系统盘安装 reiserfs-utils
在Fedora Core 9.0 中,您可以在安装盘中找到reiserfs-utils-*.*.*.i386.rpm ;用 rpm -ivh reiserfs* 来安装;最好是通过本地软件包管理器 system-config-packages来安装;
请参考: 《Fedora / Redhat 软件包管理指南》
如果您能用yum或apt来在线安装或更新包;请参考:《Fedora / Redhat 软件包管理指南》
[root@localhost beinan]# yum install reiserfs-utils
[root@localhost beinan]# apt install reiserfs-utils
您也可以下载 reiserfs-utils 的软件包,请到下面的网站去查询下载;
/sbin/debugreiserfs 注:用来检察文件系统的内部结构,以便手工修理损坏了的文件系统或为 reiserfsck 提供修复线索
/sbin/fsck.reiserfs 注:检查和修复reiserfs文件系统工具;
/sbin/mkfs.reiserfs 注:在空白分区创建reiserfs文件系统工具
/sbin/mkreiserfs 注:同mkfs.reiserfs
/sbin/reiserfsck 注:同 fsck.reiserfs
[root@localhost beinan]# mkfs.reiserfs 设备
这是为存储设备创建文件系统,比如我们想在/dev/sda5创建文reiserfs 文件系统:
[root@localhost beinan]# mkfs.reiserfs /dev/sda5
[root@localhost beinan]# mkreiserfs /dev/sda5
[root@localhost beinan]# reiserfsck /dev/sda5
2、源码包安装 reiserfsprogs
reiserfs 官方是: http://www.namesys.com ;
目前 reiserfsprogs 的最新版本是 reiserfsprogs-3.6.19.tar.gz ;
我们可以到reiserfs 的官方FTP 上得到: ftp://ftp.namesys.com/pub/reiserfsprogs/
[root@localhost beinan]# tar zxvf reiserfsprogs-3.6.19.tar.gz
[root@localhost beinan]# cd reiserfsprogs-3.6.19
[root@localhost reiserfsprogs-3.6.19]# ./configure
[root@localhost reiserfsprogs-3.6.19]# make
[root@localhost reiserfsprogs-3.6.19]# make install
首先您要学会用fdisk -l 来查看目您的机器的硬盘和分区情况;请参考:
通过源码包安装支持创建reiserfs 文件系统的软件包 reiserfsprog ,其中有三个是我们常用的工具mkreiserfs 、reiserfsck和debugreiserfs。
mkreiserfs 是在空白分区创建文件系统用的;
debugreiserfs 用来检察文件系统的内部结构,以便手工修理损坏了的文件系统或为 reiserfsck 提供修复线索;
[root@localhost beinan]# mkreiserfs 设备
这是为存储设备创建文件系统,比如我们想在/dev/sda5创建文reiserfs 文件系统:
[root@localhost beinan]# mkreiserfs /dev/sda5
mkreiserfs 3.6.19 (2003 www.namesys.com)
A pair of credits:
Alexander Lyamin keeps our hardware running, and was very generous to our
project in many little ways.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA, www.darpa.mil) is the
primary sponsor of Reiser4. DARPA does not endorse this project; it merely
sponsors it.
Guessing about desired format.. Kernel 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 is running.
Format 3.6 with standard journal
Count of blocks on the device: 49088
Number of blocks consumed by mkreiserfs formatting process: 8213
Blocksize: 4096
Hash function used to sort names: "r5"
Journal Size 8193 blocks (first block 18)
Journal Max transaction length 1024
inode generation number: 0
UUID: 7b1fc9a2-7dbf-4d21-8f8d-687102c9d41d
Continue (y/n): y 注:在这里输入y,就进行创建了;
我们还可以通过 reiserfsck 来检查文件系统,用法;
[root@localhost beinan]# mkreiserfs 设备
[root@localhost beinan]# reiserfsck /dev/sda5
reiserfsck 3.6.19 (2003 www.namesys.com)
** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and it fails **
** please email bug reports to reiserfs-list@namesys.com, **
** providing as much information as possible -- your **
** hardware, kernel, patches, settings, all reiserfsck **
** messages (including version), the reiserfsck logfile, **
** check the syslog file for any related information. **
** If you would like advice on using this program, support **
** is available for $25 at www.namesys.com/support.html. **
Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sda5
Will put log info to 'stdout'
Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):y
how to install fedora9 on reiserfs?
boot option: linux reiserfs
then you can create costom layout with reiserfs
标签: fedora reiserfs
e2fsprogs intro.
e2fsprogs (sometimes called the e2fs programs) is a set of utilities for maintaining the ext2 and ext3 and now ext4 file systems. Since those file systems are often the default for Linux distributions, it is commonly considered to be essential software.
Included with e2fsprogs are:
* e2fsck, a fsck program that checks for and corrects inconsistencies
* mke2fs, used for creating ext2 and ext3 file systems
* resize2fs, which can expand and shrink ext2 and ext3 file systems
* tune2fs, used to modify file system parameters
* dumpe2fs, which prints superblock and block group information.
* debugfs, used to manually view or modify internal structures of the file system
Many of these utilities are based on the libext2fs library.
Despite what its name might suggest, the e2fsprogs work not only with ext2, but also with ext3 and ext4, which is based on ext2. Although ext3's journaling capability can reduce the need to use e2fsck, it is sometimes still necessary to help protect from kernel bugs or bad hardware.
fedora 9 启用 ext4支持大分区
Open /boot/config-2.6.25-14-default and search EXT4
We can find that ext4 has been already supported but with Experimental flag
In order to have ext4 option when we create filesystem, we add ext4 boot option when we boot install from CD(just space + ext4)
Then download e2fsprogs-1.41-WIP-0617.tar.gz and install which provides newest utilities support to ext2/3/4 file system.
make sure parted's version >= 1.8.8, maybe it is not the case.
Now, we can create a partition larger than 8TB, as is limited by 4KB Block's ext3 file system.
parted /dev/sdb
Then mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.ext4, all are the same case, guess mkfs.ext3 can self adjust to mkfs.ext4 when partition is larger than 8TB.
标签: fedora9 ext4
parted是一个磁盘分区管理管理工具,它比fdisk更加灵活,功能也更丰富,同时还支持GUID分区表(GUID Partition Table), 这在IA64平台上管理磁盘时非常有用。
2. parted的作用
parted同时支持交互模式和非交互模式. 它除了能够进行分区的添加,删除等常见操作外,还可以移动分区, 制作文件系统, 调整文件系统大小, 复制文件系统.
3. 使用parted
Suse:~ # parted /dev/sda print
Disk /dev/sda: 160GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos
Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 32.3kB 21.0GB 21.0GB primary ext3 boot, , , , , , , , , type=83, ,
2 21.0GB 22.0GB 1045MB primary linux-swap , , , , , , , , , type=82, ,
3 22.0GB 160GB 138GB extended , , , , , , , , , type=05, ,
5 22.0GB 160GB 138GB logical ext3 , , , , , , , , , type=83, ,
Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.
Suse:~ # parted /dev/sda rm 1
parted device mkpart part-type [fs-type] start end
Suse:~ # parted /dev/sda mkpart primary 32.3kB 3GB
primary fs-type
32.3kB start
3GB end
Suse:~ # parted /dev/sda mkfs
Warning: The existing file system will be destroyed and all data on the partition will be lost. Do you want to continue?
Yes/No? y
Partition number? 1
File system? [ext2]?
Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.
parted device resize partition start end
Suse:~ # parted /dev/sda resize 1 32.3kB 5GB
parted device move partition start end
Suse:~ # parted /dev/sda move 1 5001MB
End? [10.0GB]?
Warning: You should reinstall your boot loader before rebooting. Read section 4 of the Parted User documentation for more
Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.
注意: 不同于fdisk命令的使用w功能来确认来写入分区表信息, parted命令执行后立即生效,因此输入时需要谨慎.
标签: linux parted
Parted Magic intro.
Parted Magic,一个主要用来完成硬盘分区操作的 Live CD 系统,其 2.0 版最终于近日推出。新版本使用 GParted 的分支版本 VisParted,其中包括一些 GParted 所不具有的功能,如磁盘擦除、读写卷标等。同时,Parted Magic 2.0 支持连接 Internet,可通过 Firefox 访问各种 Web 资源。此外,该版本还添加了其他一些特性,像挂载 CD/DVD、优盘时自动创建桌面图标、按 F1 可以显示所有引导选项等。
标签: Parted Mgic
42 of the Best Commercial Linux Games
It is true to say that the number of commercial games released for Linux each year remains small compared to other platforms. Nevertheless, we faced lots of difficult choices compiling a list of 42 of the best commercial Linux games. The selection we have finally chosen covers a wide range of different game genres, so hopefully there will be something here that will interest all.
To be eligible for inclusion in this list each game needed to be:
Released under a proprietary license with a fee required either to purchase the game, or a monthly charge
Not require Wine to run. Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows software
Probably the best known game developer in the industry supporting Linux is id Software. They have ported many of their star titles to Linux, including Quake 4 and Doom 3. The other major innovator in the video game industry is Epic Games. They produced one of the all time classics, Unreal Tournament 2004, which we agonised over whether to include, but the list was already heavyweight in quality action games.
In any feature on Linux commercial games, there also deserves to be a special mention for Loki Entertainment Software. Between 1998 and 2001, they ported a number of games to Linux, almost all to an extremely high standard. Classic titles that spring to mine include Heretic II, Quake III Arena (featured below), Soldier of Fortune, Tribes 2, Myth II: Soulblighter, and Heavy Gear II.
Following in Loki’s footsteps, Linux Game Publishing was established in 2001 to port commercial games to Linux. Their first port was Creatures: Internet Edition.
Advocates of free software may dislike the presence of commercial games. However, having Linux games released commercially sometimes indirectly benefits gamers who prefer, or can only afford, to play freeware games. The most notable example of an awesome commercial game that was subsequently released as freeware is Wolftenstein: Enemy Territory.
Other high quality free Linux games were covered in our features, 42 of the Best Free Linux games and 42 More of the Best Free Linux Games.
Please appreciate that the list below is constantly evolving, and only represents a current snapshot. There are some very exciting games to be released shortly for Linux. Watch out for Rage, Unreal Tournament 3, Sacred Gold, Jack Keane, X3: Reunion, and Celetania in particular. It's highly probable all of these games will feature in a later 'Best of 42' article.
Now, let's scrutinize the 42 games at hand. For each game we have compiled its own portal page, providing screenshots of the game in action, a full description of the game, with an in-depth analysis of the features of the game, together with links to relevant resources and reviews.
Cold War Real Time Strategy Action
Darwinia Similar to the classic Cannon Fodder
DOOM 3 Science fiction, survival horror, first-person shooter video
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Multiplayer first-person shooter mixing Enemy Territory and Quake 4
Eve Online Massive multiplayer online game set in a persistent world
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault First-person military shooter
Quake 3 Arena Multiplayer first-person shooter game
Quake 4 Fourth title in the series of Quake first-person shooters
Savage 2 Fantasy and science-fiction; Sequel to Savage: The Battle for Newerth
ThinkTanks Tank combat designed to be a blast
Toribash Ragdoll-physics, turn-based fighting
Penumbra: Black Plague First person horror adventure focusing on story, immersion and puzzles
Penumbra: Overture Focuses on story, immersion and puzzles
Droid Assault
Top down fast paced high action scrolling space shooter
Galcon High-paced multi-player galactic game
H-Craft Championship Futuristic 3D racing
Marble Blast Gold 3D arcade action game with simple yet addictive gameplay
Role Play
A Tale in the Desert 3 Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying set in ancient Egypt
Ankh 2 Adventure game set in ancient Egypt
Neverwinter Nights Set in a huge medieval fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons
Penny Arcade Adventures Episodic video series based on the webcomic Penny Arcade
Vendetta Online
3D space combat Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
Wurm Online Community-centric Massively multiplayer online role-playing
Ancient Empires Lux Play as all the great ancient civilizations
DEFCON Online multiplayer strategy global thermonuclear war
Dominions 3
Turn-based fantasy strategy
Gorky 17 Turn-based tactics mixing elements of strategy and RPG gameplay
Knights and Merchants Medieval-time based real-time strategy
Northland Adventure-Strategy; solve enigmas
Robin Hood Guide a team through missions by avoiding the sentries
Uplink Immersive "computer hacking" simulation
Creatures Internet Edition Supervise the upbringing of a simulated AI creature
Mindrover Intelligent Robot Simulation
X²: The Threat Space trading and combat simulator set in the fictional X-Universe
Comprehensive, powerful flight simulator
Table football
Board & Card
Shredder Chess Extremely strong chess program
SmallRockets BackGammon
Backgammon for the beginner and the experienced enthusiast
Professor Fizzwizzle Platform based mind-expanding puzzle with over 230 levels
Runes of Avalon 2
Puzzle game with a twist
Spandex Force Create your own hero to clean up Vigilance Valley
The Amazing Brain Train Brain-boosting adventure
标签: linux game
Fedora和Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL):时间最久和最成功的商业发行版。Fedora面向社区,RHEL面向企业。Fedora特点在于创新,最新的技术和软件经常是Fedora第一个使用,开发社区很兴旺,但不适合服务器使用。RHEL则相对更为稳定。
Gentoo:其理念接近FreeBSD,强调安全性和最优化。但自从创始人Daniel Robbins加入微软后,其管理出现了混乱。
Mandriva:最初基于Red Hat,强调桌面易用性,是比较成功的商业发行版之一。
SUSE Linux Enterprise / OpenSUSE:和Red Hat类似,SUSE是商业版,OpenSUSE是社区开发版。由于与微软达成了受争议的专利交易,发行版的未来还无法确定。
标签: gnu/linux
标签: google
标签: 网络中立
Google To Develop ISP Throttling Detector(zz)
Google has been very vocal on its stance for net neutrality. Now, Richard Whitt--Senior Policy Director for Google--announces that Google will take an even more active role in the debate by arming consumers with the tools to determine first-hand if their broadband connections are being monkeyed with by their ISPs:
"We're trying to develop tools, software tools...that allow people to detect what's happening with their broadband connections, so they can let [ISPs] know that they're not happy with what they're getting -- that they think certain services are being tampered with," Google senior policy director Richard Whitt said this morning during a panel discussion at Santa Clara University, an hour south of San Francisco.
In an article written by Cade Metz, a reporter for The Register, Metz explains that when the net neutrally debate first popped up at Google, Google actually considered playing along with the network-throttling ISPs:
"We were pretty well known on the internet. We were pretty popular. We had some funds available. We could essentially buy prioritization that would ensure we would be the search engine used by everybody. We would come out fine – a non-neutral world would be a good world for us."
But more idealist minds prevailed at Google, and the company has advocated network neutrality ever since--"or as Whitt likes to call it 'broadband neutrality'." Whitt didn't mention when the network analysis tools would become available.
Other participants of the panel discussion had very different opinions on network neutrality, such as "George Ou and Richard Bennett, two networking-obsessed pals who have vehemently defended Comcast's right to throttle peer-to-peer traffic." The one thing that everyone on the panel appeared to agree on, however, was that ISPs need to be transparent with how they manage their network traffic. Google's stance is that if the ISPs won't disclose that information to the public, then consumers should have the tools at hand to determine for themselves what their ISPs are doing.
Windows使用两种字符集ANSI和UNICODE,前者就是通常使用的单字节方式,但这种方式处理象中文这样的双字节字符不方便,容易出现半个汉字的情况。而后者是双字节方式,方便处理双字节字符。Windows NT的所有与字符有关的函数都提供两种方式的版本,而Windows 9x只支持ANSI方式。_T一般同字常数相关,如_T("Hello")。如果你编译一个程序为ANSI方式,_T实际不起任何作用。而如果编译一个程序为UNICODE方式,则编译器会把"Hello"字符串以UNICODE方式保存。_T和_L的区别在于,_L不管你是以什么方式编译,一律以以UNICODE方式保存。
标签: _T()
China denies hacking into US computers zz
BEIJING - China denied accusations by two U.S. lawmakers that it hacked into congressional computers, saying Thursday that as a developing country it wasn't capable of sophisticated cybercrime.
"Is there any evidence? ... Do we have such advanced technology? Even I don't believe it," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a regularly scheduled news conference.
Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., and New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith, a senior Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Wednesday that their office computers were hacked into by people working from China. Both lawmakers, longtime critics of China's human rights record, said the compromised computers had information regarding political dissidents.
Wolf said four of his computers were compromised beginning in 2006. Smith said two of the computers at his global human rights subcommittee were attacked in December 2006 and March 2007.
China has a thriving information technology industry and claims to have 221 million Internet users — equal to the U.S. as the most in the world.
Qin repeated previous denials that the government sponsors computer attacks overseas and said China also was a victim of cybercrime.
"I'd like to urge some people in the U.S. not to be paranoid," Qin said. "They should do more to contribute to mutual understanding, trust and friendship between the U.S. and China."
The lawmakers' allegations came as U.S. officials were investigating whether Chinese officials had secretly copied the contents of a government laptop during a visit to China last December by U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez and used the information to try to hack into Commerce Department computers.
China has also denied that it was involved in that incident, calling the charges groundless.
The Pentagon acknowledged last month at a closed House Intelligence committee meeting that its vast computer network is scanned or attacked by outsiders more than 300 million times each day.
Wolf said the FBI had told him that computers of other House members and at least one House committee had been accessed by sources working from inside China.
The FBI and the White House have declined to comment. The Bush administration has been increasingly reluctant to publicly discuss or acknowledge cyber attacks, especially ones traced to China.
The allegations are the latest in a series of cybersecurity problems blamed on China. Reports last year cited officials in Germany, the United States and Britain as saying government and military networks had been broken into by hackers backed by the Chinese military.
标签: china hacker usa
Fedora9 下设置时间
date -s 11/6/2008
date -s 20:06:02
《纽约时报》报道,美国军方的一台超级计算机,组装了原先用于游戏主机的处理器,其计算能力比已占据TOP500头名多时的IBM BlueGene/L的两倍还多,最高运算速度超过了1.026 Petaflop(每秒1000万亿次)。
IBM的BlueGene/L位于Lawrence Livermore国家实验室,新的耗资1.33亿美元的超级计算机被命名为Roadrunner(走鹃),为Los Alamos国家实验室所在地新墨西哥州的州鸟,它将主要进行模拟核武器研究,当然也会被用于研究全球变暖之类的科学项目。Roadrunner由6948个双核芯片和 12,960个改良型Cell处理器组成。为了能直观的展现这台超级电脑的性能,美国核安全局局长Thomas P. D’Agostino说,如果全世界所有的60亿居民拿着掌上计算器,一天24小时,一周7天连续不断的进行计算,要花费46年才能抵得上Roadrunner一天的计算。
标签: super computer
GUID是全球唯一标识符,它是一个字母数字标识符,用于指示产品的唯一性安装。在许多流行软件应用程序(例如 Web 浏览器和媒体播放器)中,都使用 GUID。
GUID是一个128位长(16字节)的数,格式为“xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”,其中每个 x 是 0-9 或 a-f 范围内的一个十六进制的数字。例如:6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF 即为有效的 GUID 值。其中前4字节为随机数;5-8字节为时间戳,记录了从1490年开始到该GUID的生成时间(低16位字在前,以分钟为单位),从而保证了时间上的唯一;9-10字节与机器重启次数有关;最后6字节一般为该机器的网卡地址(如果这台机器没有网卡,则使用另一常数),从而保证了空间上的唯一。通常平台会提供生成GUID的API。生成算法很有意思,用到了以太网卡地址、纳秒级时间、芯片ID码和许多可能的数字。GUID的唯一缺陷在于生成的结果串会比较大。
为什么要使用 GUID ?
世界上的任何两台计算机都不会生成重复的 GUID 值。GUID 主要用于在拥有多个节点、多台计算机的网络或系统中,分配必须具有唯一性的标识符。在 Windows 平台上,GUID 应用非常广泛:注册表、类及接口标识、数据库、甚至自动生成的机器名、目录名等。
标签: GUID
SMM Rootkit
The SMM rootkit - short for Systems Management Module rootkit - was long known to be a theoretical possibility and now the first prototype will be demonstrated at the hacker DEFCON Black Hat conference in Las Vegas this summer.
Security researchers have developed a new type of malicious rootkit software that hides itself in an obscure part of a computer’s microprocessor, hidden from current antivirus products.
Called a System Management Mode (SMM) rootkit, the software runs in a protected part of a computer’s memory that can be locked and rendered invisible to the operating system, but which can give attackers a picture of what’s happening in a computer’s memory.
The SMM rootkit comes with keylogging and communications software and could be used to steal sensitive information from a victim’s computer. It was built by Shawn Embleton and Sherri Sparks, who run an Oviedo, Florida, security company called Clear Hat Consulting.
The proof-of-concept software will be demonstrated publicly for the first time at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas this August.
The rootkits used by cyber crooks today are sneaky programs designed to cover up their tracks while they run in order to avoid detection. Rootkits hit the mainstream in late 2005 when Sony BMG Music used rootkit techniques to hide its copy protection software. The music company was ultimately forced to recall millions of CDs amid the ensuing scandal.
In recent years, however, researchers have been looking at ways to run rootkits outside of the operating system, where they are much harder to detect. For example, two years ago researcher Joanna Rutkowska introduced a rootkit called Blue Pill, which used AMD’s chip-level virtualization technology to hide itself. She said the technology could eventually be used to create “100 percent undetectable malware.”
“Rootkits are going more and more toward the hardware,” said Sparks, who wrote another rootkit three years ago called Shadow Walker. “The deeper into the system you go, the more power you have and the harder it is to detect you.”
Blue Pill took advantage of new virtualization technologies that are now being added to microprocessors, but the SMM rootkit uses a feature that has been around for much longer and can be found in many more machines. SMM dates back to Intel’s 386 processors, where it was added as a way to help hardware vendors fix bugs in their products using software. The technology is also used to help manage the computer’s power management, taking it into sleep mode, for example.
In many ways, an SMM rootkit, running in a locked part of memory, would be more difficult to detect than Blue Pill, said John Heasman, director of research with NGS Software, a security consulting firm. “An SMM rootkit has major ramifications for things like [antivirus software products],” he said. “They will be blind to it.”
Researchers have suspected for several years that malicious software could be written to run in SMM. In 2006, researcher Loic Duflot demonstrated how SMM malware would work. “Duflot wrote a small SMM handler that compromised the security model of the OS,” Embleton said. “We took the idea further by writing a more complex SMM handler that incorporated rootkit-like techniques.”
In addition to a debugger, Sparks and Embleton had to write driver code in hard-to-use assembly language to make their rootkit work. “Debugging it was the hardest thing,” Sparks said.
Being divorced from the operating system makes the SMM rootkit stealthy, but it also means that hackers have to write this driver code expressly for the system they are attacking.
“I don’t see it as a widespread threat, because it’s very hardware-dependent,” Sparks said. “You would see this in a targeted attack.”
But will it be 100 percent undetectable? Sparks says no. “I’m not saying it’s undetectable, but I do think it would be difficult to detect.” She and Embleton will talk more about detection techniques during their Black Hat session, she said.
Brand new rootkits don’t come along every day, Heasman said. “It will be one of the most interesting, if not the most interesting, at Black Hat this year,” he said.
标签: rootkit SMM
我自己经常使用的网络服务无非就是这3家公司的,MSN Messenger、Hotmail、Gmail等等,用起来都很不错,对于这3个世界上访问量最大的网站,我这里简要地对其进行一下比较和分析。
邮件系统:Google的Gmail无论从功能上、使用方便、甚至广告上都远远超过了MSN和Yahoo了。速度快如飞,强大的反垃圾邮件和邮件搜索功能,支持smtp和pop,容量高达2.7G,并引入了邮件会话这样全新的概念,没有图片广告,文字广告内容和邮件内容相关,可以说是邮件系统中的极品了。MSN Hotmail的初始容量只有2M,美国用户可以增加到250M,反垃圾邮件功能还不错,支持httpmail,可以从Outlook中接收邮件,速度较慢。Yahoo Mail的邮箱容量为1G,不支持Outlook接收,反垃圾邮件功能平平,速度一般。
BLOG:Google的Blogger是世界上使用最多的Blog系统之一,可惜在中国一直被封。最近Google的中国员工开通了“Google黑板报”,系统好像也是用Blogger搭建的,具体搭建方法我以前也介绍过,黑板报里面的内容是Google普通员工的一些文章和想法,不过没有评论系统。MSN的MSN space在中国可以访问,喜欢封人是其一大特色,但我觉得其Blog系统不怎么样,不如Blogger标准,有点不伦不类的感觉。Yahoo的360还处于测试阶段,看起来用户也不多。
标签: Yahoo Google MSN
2. 安装vmware-6.0.3.i386.rpm。
3. 运行/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl,此时编译还是通不过。下载vmware-any-any-update117.tar.gz,对vmware打补丁。114、115可能只适合老版本的fedora,此处必须是117。
4. 再运行/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl,即可正常编译,有几个warning,忽略之。
1. 3G内存,core duo q6600四核cpu下,开两个640M内存xp虚拟机,即感到力不从心。
2. 虚拟机外往虚拟机里托东西顺利,但是从虚拟机往外托东西托不动。
3. 在工作一段时间后,shell会死掉。
标签: fedora9 vmware
走近 WSH(Windows Scripting Host)
一、WSH 是什么?
WSH,是“Windows Scripting Host”的缩略形式,其通用的中文译名为“Windows 脚本宿主”。对于这个较为抽象的名词,我们可以先作这样一个笼统的理解:它是内嵌于 Windows 操作系统中的脚本语言工作环境。
Windows Scripting Host 这个概念最早出现于 Windows 98 操作系统。大家一定还记得 MS-Dos 下的批处理命令,它曾有效地简化了我们的工作、带给我们方便,这一点就有点类似于如今大行其道的脚本语言。但就算我们把批处理命令看成是一种脚本语言,那它也是 98 版之前的 Windows 操作系统所唯一支持的“脚本语言”。而此后随着各种真正的脚本语言不断出现,批处理命令显然就很是力不从心了。面临这一危机,微软在研发 Windows 98 时,为了实现多类脚本文件在 Windows 界面或 Dos 命令提示符下的直接运行,就在系统内植入了一个基于 32 位 Windows 平台、并独立于语言的脚本运行环境,并将其命名为“Windows Scripting Host”。WSH 架构于 ActiveX 之上,通过充当 ActiveX 的脚本引擎控制器,WSH 为 Windows 用户充分利用威力强大的脚本指令语言扫清了障碍。
再具体一点描述:你自己编写了一个脚本文件,如后缀为 .vbs 或 .js 的文件,然后在 Windows 下双击并执行它,这时,系统就会自动调用一个适当的程序来对它进行解释并执行,而这个程序,就是 Windows Scripting Host,程序执行文件名为 Wscript.exe (若是在命令行下,则为 Cscript.exe)。
WSH 诞生后,在 Windows 系列产品中很快得到了推广。除 Windows 98 外,微软在 Internet Information Server 4.0、Windows Me、Windows 2000 Server,以及 Windows 2000 Professional 等产品中都嵌入了 WSH。现在,早期的 Windows 95 也可单独安装相应版本的 WSH。(附:各种版本 WSH 的安装程序可以从 http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting 站点下载)。
二、WSH 有什么用?
WSH 的设计,在很大程度上考虑到了“非交互性脚本(noninteractive scripting)”的需要。在这一指导思想下产生的 WSH,给脚本带来非常强大的功能,例如:我们可以利用它完成映射网络驱动器、检索及修改环境变量、处理注册表项等工作;管理员还可以使用 WSH 的支持功能来创建简单的登陆脚本,甚至可以编写脚本来管理活动目录。
而事实上,上述功能的实现,均与 WSH 内置的多个对象密切相关,这些内置对象肩负着直接处理脚本指令的重任。因此,我们也可以通过了解 WSH 的内置对象来探寻 WSH 可以实现的功能。
图 1 是 WSH 的内置对象构成情况。

从图中我们可以看出,WSH 共有 14 个内置对象,它们各自有着明确分工。具体而言,位于最底部的 Wscript ,主要作用是提取命令行变量,确定脚本文件名,确定 WSH 执行文件名(wscript.exe 还是 cscript.exe),确认 host 版本信息,创建、关连及分离 COM 对象,写入事件,按程序结束一个脚本文件的运行,向默认的输出设备(如对话框、命令行)输出信息等;WshArguments 的作用是获取全部的命令行变量; WshNamed 负责获取指定的命令行参数集;WshUnnamed 负责获取未经指定的命令行参数集;WshNetwork 的主要作用是开放或关闭网络共享,连接或断开网络打印机,映射或取消网络中的共享,获取当前登陆用户的信息;WshController 可以创建一个远程脚本对象;WshRemote 可以实现网络中对计算机系统的远程管理,也可按计划对其它程序/脚本进行处理;WshRemote Error 的作用在于:当一个远程脚本(WshRemote 对象)因脚本错误而终止时,获取可用的错误信息;WshShell 主要负责程序的本地运行,处理注册表项、创建快捷方式、获取系统文件夹信息,处理环境变量;WshShortcut 主要用于按计划创建快捷方式;WshSpecialfolders 用于获取任意一个 Windows 特殊文件夹的信息;WshURLShortcut 用于按程序要求创建进入互联网资源的快捷方式;WshEnvironment 用于获取任意的环境变量(如 WINDIR, PATH, 或 PROMPT);WshScriptExec 用于确定一个脚本文件的运行状态及错误信息。
在这些内置对象的帮助下,我们就可以利用 WSH 充分发挥 VBScript 及 JScript 等脚本的强大威力,极大地提高我们的工作效率。
Intel unveils new chip sets at Computex show
Sean Maloney, executive vice president of Intel, made the announcement during a keynote address at the conference Tuesday. The Intel 4 Series chip sets, which include the G45, G43, P45 and P43, will be used with the 45 nanometer Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Core 2 Quad processors.
"The Internet is going high-def," Maloney said during his keynote. "Desktop PCs with these new chip sets let you enjoy, share and protect your digital life. They have the processing power and graphics to deliver stutter-free HD video playback, improved 3-D performance and leading storage capabilities."
Maloney noted that people increasingly are looking to be able to store all of their high-definition videos, photographs, music and games in one place — a central library — and be able to access that entertainment and data library from small mobile Internet devices while they're on the go.
The new Intel G45 Express chip set sports the updated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X4500HD and is designed to deliver strong visual performance and quality. According to the company, it's the first Intel platform to integrate complete hardware high-definition pipelines for Blu-ray and other HD content playback. It's also the first Intel platform to post-process HD content for improved visual quality.
The Intel G43 Express chip set is designed to deliver strong graphics for everyday computing. It uses Intel Clear Video Technology for HD playback and also has an enhanced 3-D graphics engine with full support of Microsoft Windows Vista Premium.
A chip set is a group of integrated chips or circuits that are designed to work together. Often sold as a single product, chip sets are designed to work with a main processor.
Just last week, Intel confirmed that a problem with its integrated graphics chip set had forced the company to postpone the launch of its new Centrino 2 laptop system.
The company said that its Centrino 2 mobile platform, code-named Montevina, is being pushed back from a scheduled release in June to a partial release in July and a more expansive release in August. The new mobile processor and at least one chip set is now set to ship on July 14, according to Patrick Ward, an Intel spokesman. Wireless components and all the accompanying chip sets are slated to ship in August.
标签: intel chipset
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